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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Inspirations for Market-in-G

Getting inspired, Sharing your inspiration is not just another idea rather its another step to trigger your vicinity and launch them into this global market... Puzzled , juggling balls , i am sure now you must be inspired to read further ....

Here we go!!!

It was one of the normal workable , billable afternoons, when one of my manager walked up to me and asked out a short length Question with an expected illustrated Answer. I gave it a thought for a second with dwindling minds , then finally burst out with what i actually want to be --> 'I want to see myself into marketing as a profession and creativity as my passion and dedication as my idea.' As expected an obvious question bubbled out--> 'how is this profession helping you then'? That was indeed a million dollar question , which just swapped of the floor without even having being answered as the manager was too busy to manage his manager. Thats where Market-in-G was born and i thought of launching myself as a regular blogger which indeed was a dream to me few months back when i wrote my first blog.

That's how i got inspired and now i am passing on this triggering inspiration to all of you who are viewing and following this blog. Keep blogging & keep following...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Are you in the market???
Yes you are in ! The moment you start speaking to at least 1 person around you, you take 1st faltering steps towards launching yourself in the market. Market-in-g--> So market is in the globe and you are in...
The art of presenting yourself to others and building an image for yourself , carving a place for you and your shadow to be forecast in this globe is what defines the basics of marketing.
How you talk, how you walk and how you make up yourself to walk the talk is how you build an image for yourself.
As a fresh graduate in the industry how do you manage to be recognized by the entire ladder of leaders above you even by contributing a nano to this monetary industry worth millions--> defines how do you actually make yourself visible.
Contributing to the industry you learn, earn and yearn is equivalent to the leftover ashes of an existing worthy document.

I would enlighten my thoughts about Marketing--> Market-in-g with some of the real life artifacts that i have personally experienced in my 24 years of life... and i am sure i could be able to convey the message, add value to your lives.
So please stay tuned to my upcoming blogs...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sometimes the best things in life happen just by chance, totally unexpected. The moment unexpected comes into the picture the first thing that comes into our minds is LOVE and stuff...
Its not a love story its actually an accident- that changed our lives, transformed a No to Yes, made us believe in myths and all outdated stuff.

Sitting idle in the midst of wee night hours at 12:30 am, with no more than a night lamp, a closed room, doors shut, silence scattered all around with nobody to speak to, nobody to look at. A cup of coffee with a blue screen made me feel as if i am sitting lonely besides one of the grave and waiting for the ghost to knock down the silence with a call. And thats where the most unexpected thing happened a buzz came in covering miles of distance in a fraction of seconds on the screen, tearing the darkness of silence , revitalizing myself to begin something new without even realizing where would it take me to. But still it was that coffee with conversation that has taken me taken me so far in my life , now when i sit and think hard about all my 23 years i realize that this is probably the best ever unfurled true story that has hit me so hard_____!!!